Midnight's Children more History less Novel

Midnight children established a narrative mode of writing and his interplay of history as autobiography and fantasy. He was born on June 19,1947 and he drew this historic figure in 1981.He uses the expression like India's arrival at Independence to play history. I was born in the city of Bombay to relate autobiography and once upon a time for fantasy. Thirty chapters of this book corresponding to the 30 years of excellent life and 30 years of India's run from Independence to emergency. History of public events used to put the level into prominence. The protagonist, Salim is tragically aware of central historical role, 'I had been mysteriously handcuffed to history, my destination chained to my country.' Here, his destiny has been changed to the history of the country. Saleem's narrative is at once an account of his own life and a mirror of the life of India,it provides the form and also the structural base to the novel and to the protagonist, ...