Midnight's Children more History less Novel

Midnight children established a narrative mode of writing and his interplay of history as autobiography and fantasy. He  was born on June 19,1947 and he drew this historic figure in 1981.He uses the expression like India's arrival at Independence to play history.  I was born in the city of Bombay to relate autobiography and once upon a time for fantasy. Thirty chapters of this book corresponding to the 30 years of excellent life and 30 years of India's run from Independence to emergency. History of public events used to put the level into prominence.
The protagonist, Salim is tragically aware of central historical role, 'I had been mysteriously  handcuffed to history, my destination chained to my country.' Here, his destiny has been changed to the history of the country. Saleem's narrative is at once an account of his own life and a mirror of the life of India,it provides the form and also the structural base to the novel and to the protagonist,  it offers facts, fancy as well as history. The narrative is not let loose by Saleem search for meaning and form Saleem while narrating realises that his life as protagonist consists in an excess of knotted lives, events,miracles, places and rumours.
Moreover, it's the narrators prerogactive as the holder of outsides position that he creates fictional world which is vastly symbolic of historical reality in India and in Europe. The phenomenon of all pervading in humanity and absurdity can imaginatively only be dealt with unless one writes historiography from a grotesque and absurdest point of of view.Otherwise, it would be intolerable. Saleem's nice gradual amputation is symbolic for the loss of freedom,  sanity and individuality in modern man in this novel. Saleem's narrative is the curious mix of his life history as well as the history of the nation to central episodes are interminably and inextricable blended. The Historical events included are Quit India moment,cabinet mission, moment of the Muslim League, riots, five years plan, Pakistan war and Liberation of Bangladesh. 
Salman Rushdie is not  a writer of India but a multinational writer. He belongs to different cultures. Both his legacy is somewhat disputed and the same replicate in his novels i.e. existential dilemmas of the individual. Rushdie's characters come against in the psyche of the readers. His works create tension and evoke conflicting emotions in the reader's mind. His assertions on secularism and religion are more ambivalent. Rushdie's Midnight's Children has an intellectual and intercultural richness. This novel 'Midnight's Children' has been translated into twelve languages and deals with incidents of Pre & Post Independence era of  Indian sub-continent. It covers the issues of politics, religion and fanaticism. The novel is an allegory of modern India and a family presented against a historical and political background. The novel deals with the destinies of two of the children's vice versa. In the novel, the protagonist Saleem Sinai is associated to the important historical and political events and we find an interlink between the nation and the life of the protagonist own. It represents an account of the poor and the exploited sections of the society.
 In this novel, Rushdie endeavors to recreate his past Age. So the account of his past life is made to coincide with the time of the National Emergency Movement and its final conclusion. The novel reveals a tension between a quest for heroism, identity and individuality and also the tendency of politics.
Salim certainly has taken history of the country as a Canvas on which he writes his own story.  He however, falters and makes error here and there but the fact means that he does use history to carry on his writing. His statement is a testimony to the fact and certainly Padma is leaking into me as history pause or out of my body. Lotus is quietly dripping into infect. Salman Rushdie has spoken in the interview that his aim was to write a novel but about India and Bombay in particularly where his early days were spent..so no wonder he dips his pain into the past to use it with the creative imagination of an artist and bring before us the wonder.  He can't escape the temptation of giving a stopover to Bombay, a city of his dreams. Rushdie describes the history of Bombay and how the place of Seven Islands merged into one and the native fisherman where pushed away to make place for foreigners and others in the novel. Salim identifies himself with the city of birth and childhood. This hybrid and Cosmopolitan city with its composite and secular culture becomes a metaphor of India's polity for Salim. The narrative of Salim touches his emotional cord as he describes the city and his home"we are entering my kingdom now coming into the heart of my childhood; a little lump has appeared my throat". In this novel, he mostly describes the situation of two fortunate young boys, got birth at midnight and co incidentally run away into two different directions from the same venue. He focused the historical sense in a magical way of expression. 


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