Short Summary of Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe.
This poem has been written by John Donne when he was going to leave Germany. He addressed his beloved wife who was very sad. He wants to make understand his wife that he is not going away because he is sick of her nor he is leaving her because he has found a more beautiful beloved than her. He argues that one day he must die. Separation is is like a brief death so by separations he will teach himself how to die. He compares his journey to the journey of the Sun. The sun went away the previous night and came back again in the morning but he will come back sooner because his journey is shorter unlike the sun he has incentive to come back he will fly back on the wings of love. "O how feeble is mans power, That if good fortune fall, Cannot adde another hour, Nor a Lost hour recall. But come bad chance, And we joine to it our strength, And we teach it art and length, It selfie o'r us to advance." ...