The Theme of Youth And Age

The Youth And Age; it is a beautiful poem, written by S T Coleridge. He was in the association of romantic school during his precious phase of life. He wrote a number of poems in his literary career;Youth And Age is one of them. This poem has been described into two consecutive parts, firstly this poem has been written on the basis of romantic experiences of life. During this period, people want to involve in delightful situations. The life span of human beings in this phase is very happy and prosperous. Many poets and scholars have described this age with a great hope of happiness. The poet said that this is the time of enjoyment and this is also the best phase of life to perform duties with the pure affection. Again the poet said that this is the age to establish the friendship and love with the physical entities of the world. 
  He said that love looks like a flower and friendship looks like a tree which gives us shadows, shelter, fruits, woods and medicine to repair our damaged strength. In this time, Youths have high concentration, energy and physical strength to enjoy the bit second of life. It's also fact that in this age, people have less experiences of life because they try to experiment in different ways of human existence. He explained in this poem through his own experiences of romantic relationships. How the people feel in this age ,the poet wants to convey the best message through this poem. On the contrary, he also introduced the life of second phase. He said that in the second phase of life, people have a lot of experience. In this time, people have unpleasant feelings, unhappiness, rudeness and leafless values. No physical strength to enjoy the physical life, no strength to maintain needs and requirements. According to the poet, the old hood is full of pain and perils. People are depended on others to fulfill their needs and desires. At this point, when they think about past life, they feel only pain and fear because in old age, they loose gradually their physical senses. They have no choice of enjoyment or have not the sense of imagination too. At this point of life, they are falling down and losing their literary skills too. 
Now as we know that this poem is one of the best poems of romantic age. The best explanation of pleasant and unpleasant phases of human life. He said that old age is surrounded by pain and anxiety because it is like a tree without fruits and flowers. Just opposite, he said that youth age is surrounded by pleasure and prosperity because it is like a tree laden with fruits and flowers exposing romantic atmosphere. Through it, we can say that the poet is the most sensitive among his all contemporaries. He used some poetic techniques to beautify this poem. His own voice of life could be seen in this poem on the basis of his pleasant and unpleasant experience. 


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